When BFLMDA approached various governmental agencies in April, 1980; e. g. OMBE and SBA, about support initiatives, it was told that any proposals had to be all inclusive, that is, all requests had to represent all ethnic minority dealers within the automotive industry. In late April/early May, a series of meetings were held in Detroit to formulate a strategy to do just that.
On an interim basis the group identified itself as the Minority Auto Dealers Association (MADA) with Bill Shack being voted chairman. African-American dealers who participated in one or several of these strategy sessions were (alphabetically): Jim Bradley, Clarence Carter, Nathan Conyers, Mel Farr, Sr., Dick Harris, Jesse Jones, Willie Patmon, Bill Shack, Porterfield Wilson, and Jim Woodruff.
A meeting was scheduled for May 31, 1980 in Washington D. C. and minority dealers were contacted requesting their participation. Reports indicate that 37 ethnic minority dealers registered for this session. After much discussion, the group identified three key actions to be presented to the various governmental agencies. They were:
- immediate, low interest loans
- refundable tax credits for the purchase of new cars and trucks
- restructuring of, and moratorium on, repayment of dealer development debt
Following review of these issues and prior to adjournment, the dealers held a caucus and chose the following dealers to represent the organization in future deliberations with the various manufacturers and governmental activities:
- Chrysler Corporation - Keith Bullard, Jesse Jones
- Ford Motor Company - Nathan Conyers, Bill Shack
- General Motors - Joe McLaughlin, Jack Seidel
- At Large Delegates - David Brown, Fred Rhodes
Note: Nathan Conyers selected president
The organization was renamed the National Association of Minority Automobile Dealers (NAMAD). The first actions were threefold: first, a wire was sent to all minority dealers advising the actions which were being taken and asking for their support. Second, Conyers sent a telegram (June 4, 1980) to President Jimmy Carter asking for his immediate attention to the dealers' problems and lastly, NAMAD began the process of contacting each of the Big Three to discuss the issues facing the dealer body and seek assistance.
Over the years, NAMAD's role in facing off with the domestic manufacturers diminished as the individual associations played a significant role in seeking solutions to their problems. However, in the late-1990's and under the leadership of Shelia Vaden-Williams (Exec. Director), NAMAD directed its resources in getting the import manufacturers to focus on ethnic minority matters. For example, both Toyota and Jaguar established Minority Councils dedicated to increasing ethnic minority employment, supplier base, and dealer count.
NAMAD remains a viable entity in the goal of diversification within the automotive industry.
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